Covid-19 precautions and protocol for your dental visit!

To make your visit a safe one, we are implementing all COVID-19 precautions protocol as recommended by MOHFW in addition to our routine strict infection control protocol. 

What you need to do-

  1. In the present circumstances, it is advisable to take a prior appointment before visiting our dental clinic.
  2. History of travel or any exposure or symptoms related to COVID-19 must be discussed on phone or text before your visit.
  3. Adhere to appointment time and request you to limit the number of attendants accompanying you for the dental appointment with an exception of dependents and children.
  4. You need to fill the IDA Covid-19 consent form before going for the consultation.
  5. You and attendants will be requested to wear a facemask when entering the facility and will undergo screening for fever and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
  6. Upon your arrival at the clinic, you will be asked to use the hand sanitiser and will be provided with gloves, a head cap and show covers.
  7. You should wear a mask whenever possible- while walking through the facility while discussing your consultation and on the way out. Doing so may prevent you from unknowingly spewing infectious airborne particles and may even prevent you from breathing them in.
  8. Avoid using the restroom. If you choose to use the restroom or touch a surface with your bare hands, you should wash or sanitize your hands immediately afterwards. Also, washing your hands is important after you leave the clinic.
  9. Avoid wearing a wristwatch, jewellery, and any other additional accessories or bags.
  10. We encourage contactless payments or Online payments through wallets or QR codes to avoid chances of transmission via cash or credit cards.
  11. You must inform the clinic immediately if you develop any symptoms within 2 weeks following your appointment.
  12. Reschedule your appointment if you or anyone in your house has been sick in the past 2 weeks.

What we are doing-

  1. Printed signage placed in a dental office for instructing you on standard recommendations for respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette and social distancing.
  2. Scheduling appointments with at least 30 mins between patients to minimise possible contact with other patients in the waiting room.
  3. We see only those patients whom we have screened and have spoken on phone with their detailed COVID history.
  4. Clinic is kept well ventilated and humidified with HOCL vapours being used all the time for disinfection.
  5. Ensuring frequent surface cleaning of waiting areas with sodium hypochlorite solution especially surfaces which are more often touched such as reception tabletop, door handles, etc.
  6. Emphasizing physical distancing in non-patient care areas.

Consent form for general and IDA- COVID-19 to be duly filled by a patient in the waiting area.

In the operatory:

  1. Patient is asked to rinse the mouth with 0.2% providing iodine mouthwash for 1 minute.
  2. Our enhanced protective gear includes gloves, double mask, face shields, scrubs and PPE kits.
  3. We practice 4 handed dentistry with high vacuum suction.
  4. To reduce aerosol production we use a rubber dam.
  5. Stringent cleaning and disinfection procedures are carried out between patients.


  1. Following all OSHA and the local municipal guidelines for biohazard waste.
  2. We burn the sharps immediately and Store them in a closed container.
  4. Fogging at the end of the day and using UV light sterilization in between patients.
  5. We ensure safe waste management.

Click on the link to download the consent form of  COVID -19

HOCL being used as universal disinfectant


Phone – +91 9315658190

WhatsApp – +91 7011400933

Email Address –



Clinic 1: B-26, Sector 41, Noida.


Mon to Sat – 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sunday – Closed



Clinic 2: O 204, PAN OASIS, Pan Oasis Society, Sector 70, Noida


Tue to Sun – 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Monday – Closed


© 2024, Complete Dental Solutions.