Full mouth rehabilitation or reconstructions are needed when the oral health as a whole has deteriorated due to multiple dental problems.
It sounds like a complicated procedure, but full mouth rehabilitation means combining various restorative dental treatments e.g. crowns, veneers, implants, overlays to rebuild your smile.
As complex as it may seem, such cases can be treated to produce beautiful results and restore the oral function back to normal if the treatment is planned well and executed by skilled specialists.
Our goal is to not only help you to restore your smile back but also to strengthen and your overall dental health. The exact treatments will depend on the specific issues that affect your smile.
During your first visit, we will thoroughly discuss your dental issues, and what combination of treatments can rebuild your smile in a minimally invasive way.
While planning all cases, we take numerous factors into consideration such as the patient’s symptoms, their expectations, their existing medical condition and of course their time and budget constraints, if any to arrive at the most practical treatment plan for each and every case.
The success of such cases depends upon proper treatment planning and work execution and therefore we at complete dental solutions are a team of a highly skilled set of specialists who have done advanced training to perform such complex procedures.
Cases that fall under the category of full mouth rehabilitation are:
The severe wear of anterior teeth aggravates the posterior teeth wear. The collapse of posterior teeth also results in the loss of the normal bite plane and the reduction of the face height giving you older look.
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Clinic 1: B-26, Sector 41, Noida.
Clinic 2: O 204, PAN OASIS, Pan Oasis Society, Sector 70, Noida
© 2024, Complete Dental Solutions.